Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Split the String into columns

If you have string coming from your database which has separated by some special character and you want to split that string into multiple columns, follow the below technique.

For example  one of the value from the string is 'The;Name;is;Kishore;Dirisala'  and the name of the data item is [Full]

Full :'The;Name/is;Kishore;Dirisala' 

1 : substring([Full], 1, position('/',[Full] )-1) 
A : substring( [Full], position( '/', [Full] )+1) 
2 : substring([A],1,position('/',[A] )-1) 
B : substring( [A], position( '/', [A] )+1) 
3 : substring([B],1,position('/',[B] )-1) 
C : substring( [B], position( '/', [B] )+1) 
4 : substring([C],1,position('/',[C] )-1) 
D : ubstring( [C], position( '/', [C] )+1) 
5 : substring([D],1,position('/',[D] )-1) 

Then bring then into a list object. A,B,C,D and E should give you what you 

The Final out put will be like below

1: The
2: Name
3:  is
4: Kishore
5: Dirisala


Monday, February 11, 2013

Model Version in Framework Manager

The way the versioning work is as follows - assuming you have versioning 
set to 3 

  • publish your package - version 1 
  • create reports - these reports will use package version 1 
  • publish the package - version 2 
  • create reports - these reports will use package version 2 
  • open reports which are using package version 1, these reports will validate with package version 2, and if saved will use package version 2 
  • publish your package - version 3 
  • create reports - these reports will use package version 3 
  • open reports which are using package version 1 or package version 2, these reports will validate using package version 3 and if saved will 
  • use package version 3 
  • publish your package - version 4 , this will overwrite version 1 of your package, so any reports using version 1 will now use package version 4 (the current package) 

I hope this helps. Most clients set version to 0 during development as 
this will only store 1 version of the package which will always be the 
current version!